Sunday, October 5, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

During the process of preparing for my speech on Tinder, I made sure to include what Tinder is as well as the pros and cons of the app in order to make it informative and not persuasive. During the process of preparing, I realized that the organization is extremely important. If the speech is well organized, it is not only easier for the audience to follow along and retain the information you state, but also it is also easier for the speaker to remember the main points and transition easily.

While giving my speech, I learned that eye contact and audience interaction is really important. Making eye contact with everyone made me less nervous and when audience members either laughed or nodded their heads, it made me more confident in what I was trying to say because I knew they were following along. Also, fidgeting a lot while giving a speech can be very distracting to the audience members. I also learned that slowing down while giving a speech is beneficial as it makes you feel and seem more confident which reflects back on how the audience’s feels about your speech.

My speech on Tinder was important because it is quickly changing the way people “date.” It is also changing the dating culture, as a whole as every thing is done online and interpersonal communication is minimal. Also, I thought that this was a good subject to cover since everyone in the class as either heard of Tinder and actually use it regularly to meet dates. Doing an informative speech on Tinder, I thought it would be very relevant to the class as well because the creators of the app were fellow USC graduates.

I thought that overall, my main points were valid and backed up with evidence. I was able to find scholarly articles and news articles that covered the issue of “online dating.” However, I thought that I could have spoken slower as it probably would have made me less nervous. A challenge I faced while giving my speech was that I realized that I was running out of time and found myself hurrying to finish in time. Also, I felt that not using a presentation was helpful, as it probably would have distracted the audience and me.

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