Sunday, October 5, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

            In my speech I spoke about hip-hop feuds and their effects on the genre. I really enjoyed the speech in terms of subject matter, and it gave me a chance to learn more about the famous rivalries in the research process. I believe that I picked a topic relevant and interesting to most in the crowd, either because it is music they have heard, or because it is pop-culture knowledge that they may have not previously had. I also think it was a good choice because these rivalries are essentially stories, which I believe made the speech more interesting.

            I knew my speech well enough that I barely looked at my flashcards, but in some ways this was a problem. There were a few moments were I skipped points. For instance I had a planned transition in which I would say something such as “Jay Z and Nas eventually reconciled, but this doesn’t always happen, such as in the case of 2Pac and Biggie.” If I had been looking at my cards, I probably would have remembered this. Also, because I wasn’t following along with my flashcards, there were points when I was holding the wrong flashcard compared to what I was saying, and when I needed to read a quote off of my flash card, I had to awkwardly flip and quickly find the correct one.

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