Saturday, October 4, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

            When preparing for this speech, I thought a lot about what I was interested in as well as taking time to consider what topics would capture the attention of my classmates.  I started with focusing on something that we could all relate too which proved to be hard considering we were a diverse group of people of different ages but we did share the characteristic that we were all USC students. Taking that, I thought a topic that was very important for me to talk about was USC’s newest project, University Village. Even if the project was something that most of us, including me, would never get to really experience since I would graduate by then, I knew it would still be something that concerned all of us because it is where our tuition money is going to and as a part of the Trojan Family, just knowing the future of our school is important to us.
            This assignment called for at least two scholarly articles and since the project is so recent there aren’t any articles available, I decided to focus on ideas that would work with scholarly articles. This is why I chose to speak more of why the reconstruction of University Village would be beneficial to college students because there are studies and journals on what improvements in social, academic and environmental atmospheres can do to help students get the best experience they can in college. I used mostly Google scholars to find my articles and I read through journals written by Psychology students and professors, then used their studies to help support points in my speech.
            I think that this speech went well in that I was knowledgeable about my topic and I genuinely reported it because I thought it would be beneficial to know. This makes it easier to talk about and inform people about the subject. I also think I did a good job in making the speech and informational speech and avoiding words that would make it into a persuasive speech. I kept the speech very nonbiased by simply reporting on the new features of University Village, why it would be important to students based on studies and what USC is doing to combat any criticism and concerns.
            What I think I can work on for my next speech is to spend more time preparing the speech. My speech was a little less than five minutes so maybe I can elaborate on more points, and slow down my speech to add more effect to my words. I also saw that other speakers used their sources actual names but I instead said them as psychology professor or news articles, so next time I’m going to say actual names and name the article that I am talking about such as, “Daily Trojan.” By adding these in I think that it will make my speech more credible.

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