Sunday, December 14, 2014

Visual Aid reflection

This speech was by far my favorite and I think by far my best. The content of my visual aid speech was appropriate for the audience considering I get asked questions by my classmates about my schedule and life of being a student athlete, this an obvious sign that there is an interest. I established source credibility considering it was a speech about my schedule as a student athlete and I am on the USC Swimming and Diving team. The main points were presented in a logical order beginning with my mandatory activities, my “homework” and then time for fun and family. Everything else in this speech I felt was a huge improvement. In this speech I did a good job on having a distinct three main points and a much clearer thesis statement. In this speech there was much better organization. It was very clear when I was talking about the first point and then transitioning onto the next. Also through out the speech I did a good job of tying it all together and having a more natural flow through out the speech, and most importantly in the conclusion tying it all together. Unfortunately the one thing about the content that I do think could have been improved was the evidence and sources. 

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