Monday, December 1, 2014

Visual Aid Reflection

Overall I thought that this was my most successful speech thus far. It seemed that my classmates were interested in my topic, when they might have not been interested in art in the first place. I think that I was able to adapt my topic to gain the attention of my classmates in a positive way. One thing that I found difficult about the visual aid part of the presentation was timing. I had some trouble with the logistics (moving from one slide to the next) and that threw me off balance a bit during my presentation. I continue to struggle with making sure that I am within the time limit. I think that I feel like I have to overcompensate because I am worried that I will be under the time minimum, but that just leads to me having too much material to cover. I think that this time I did a better job with time management than I had with my previous speeches. I think that it is more complicated to keep track of a visual aid in addition to maintaining the flow of a speech. I did enjoy the freedom of the topic a bit more than the previous assignments, as I feel like I was able to connect to the topic in a way that made it relevant and interesting to the rest of the class. I thought that my classmates did good jobs as well, and really liked Sidney’s speech about the daily life of a student athlete. I thought her visual aid component was really well done, and helped the audience gain a better visual understanding of how hectic the life of a student athlete really is.

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