Monday, February 23, 2015

Informative Speech: Amazon Drones

I have just finished my first ever 5-7 minute long speech! The entire process of researching was extremely interesting to me because it was from a new approach than I ones that I would typically take when researching. Being able to identify what was an academic resource was foreign to me and now I know that it is something that is affiliated with a university press or has been peer reviewed as a journal article. Having to make a long outline and then a shorter outline was extremely helpful for me because I was able to identify key words that would allow me to remember longer pieces of information. It might be time consuming but definitely worth it!
Practicing my speech was extremely important because there were numerous times where I would go way past the given time because of stammering and stuttering over my sentences. I found that each time I practiced my speech, it was never the same and something would be different. I actually liked having a general guideline to follow but also allowing myself room to pivot in the speech depending on how it was going. During the actual speech I found myself pivoting and seeing as I had very little time left I even did not mention everything that was on my notecard. I found that giving myself less pressure to say everything on my notecard made it easier for me and as long as the main points were said, then the supplementary points could be excluded.
It was definitely nervous having to look at my classmates for about 7 minutes. I tried to make sure that I maintained eye contact and hopefully I did! I know that I tend to fidget when I am nervous so hopefully I was not making a lot of movements outside of the safe box with relevant and appropriate hand gestures. Overall, I actually enjoyed giving the speech because I definitely learned a lot about the speech giving process and also enjoyed sharing my informative topic with the class!

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