Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tweeting into a New World

The first round of speaking anxiety is over. Regardless of the times I have spoken publicly, I always have a form of pre-speech jitters. I've learned that this nervousness is an energy that can be manipulated by the speaker to engage the audience. So instead of stuttering or freezing after forgetting a point, I try to emphasize the point I am on in effort to draw in the audience. With that being said, I think I had control over my nerves for the informative speech- I didn't let them get to me. I typically feel comfortable when speaking to a group of people but that is something that I have developed with time, plus it helps that everybody in class is attentive and respectful. In addition, I selected a topic that I genuinely cared for and believed in, so that helped in my delivery and familiarity with the topic. I essentially wanted my informative speech to convey the idea that the use of twitter and hashtags are creating a trend of micro-blogging. This micro-blogging is how news is spreading instantly now. Now anyone can take report on what they witness or read about, use a relevant hashtag and contribute to the stream of instant messages on the same topic. It really gives us an opportunity to support actions, witness revolutions and inform ourselves and others more. 

Delivering the speech was an overall positive experience but there are definitely things I can improve on. First on the list would probably be to practice more. I am guilty of developing arguments on paper  and focusing on the written material more than the oral portion. I had arguments and ideas that I had developed on paper and was unable to transfer into words. That means that I should weigh more on the actual delivery and presentation rather than the appearance on paper. However, content remains extremely important. I went over by a minute and forty-five seconds on my speech demonstrating a lack of practice. If I had practiced my speech more and familiarize myself with how ideas sounded, then I might have made the edits necessary on the written portion. By undergoing such preparation, I will be more organized. That will allow my audience to clearly follow what I am saying and will help me out with timing. Other than preparation, I can work on keeping audience in mind and answering the 'so what?' I did make points to answer that in this speech, but it is key that I continue to do so in the rest of my speeches.

With that being said, everybody's speech was a success and informative!   

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