I definitely struggled again with narrowing down my topic. However, my biggest takeaway in preparing for this speech is understanding and even more so, accepting that in focusing on a specific area for any topic, I will always have information that will be left out. I had initially really wanted to provide commentary and in many ways, a solution to the social comparison phenomenon because this is something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, but because social comparison itself is so broad and everyone engages in it differently than others, in trying to provide one concrete solution would have not been effective. I also drove myself crazy in trying to figure out how to frame my argument. While the outcome of the speech diverted from my original intent, I am happy and relieved that I eventually was able to frame my argument around Facebook. Hopefully, in the future I will have the chance to expand more on the subject of social comparison and how it relates to identity and happiness.
In terms of the actual speech and delivery of the speech, I had thought that the Youtube video was slightly too long. I had considered showing only a part of it, but then I felt as though the overall message would not have been as clear. Now that I think about it, I could have even narrowed my argument and framed it around the short film. There was a lot to the video clip that I wasn't able to discuss, and so there might have been a slight disconnect to my speech and the clip itself. I also could have provided more concrete examples to make the speech even more personable. I also caught myself looking up at the ceiling several times. This speech was not my best, and I definitely know I could have performed better if it were not for the struggle in the beginning. But this is not to say I did not learn from the process of overcoming the obstacle.