Friday, April 3, 2015

A step closer to the recycling bin

Well it happened. I finally focused on my thesis. Not my topic, but my actual thesis. From this speech I grounded myself to the primary question: why are water bottles so bad for the environment and for humans health in general? My anecdote about my father (hopefully) grabbed the audience's attention, because lets face it my father's life is a lot crazier than my own. The intro video provided the necessary mind shift or reversal of roles. The video also subtly introduced the idea that disposable water bottles not only pollute the environment, but tamper with human's health as well.  However, the video might have been a little too long and possibly lead to me not being able to finish my speech in the time allotted.  I would say my points were pretty spot on as to why disposable water bottles (at least in the USA) are unnecessary and detrimental to our own health. However, yes I forgot about certain sections of the world. My ignorance to other parts of the world, that in general need water bottles as a sustainable source of hydration, diminished my speech a bit. As I mentioned earlier, I did run out of time when doing my speech. I had rehearsed the speech multiple times and knew I was running the danger of going overtime. I got a little nervous near the end, but I was able to take a deep breath and recover from the anxiety. I managed to conclude with the same point that I started my speech with: the story of my dad. Although, it was very rushed. For this I think I didn't quite stick the landing like a Shawn Johnson or a Nastia Luiken would; however one day, if I keep trying, I will get there.

Goals for next speech: 1) Don't run out of time, 2) try to incorporate the audience more in terms of statistics, 3) Try to add more road maps and verbal cues into the speech

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