Friday, April 17, 2015

Sensory Aid Speech: Twitter #Hashtags

I just gave my sensory aid, or visual aid, speech on Twitter hashtags! I definitely came out of it feeling really good and this is probably the first time after a speech where I felt a sense of true confidence in my delivery and topic. I think it has to do with the fact that social media is literally a huge aspect of my professional career and so therefore this is a topic that I am actively engaged. Creating the three types of hashtags, in-group, sudden large-scale world impact, and reoccurring hashtag to talk about made it a lot easier to not only follow but teach to the class. I really enjoyed using Twitter to accompany my speech because the interaction would make the class more familiar with the platform and it was a lot easier to show real life examples instead of just having screenshots of the hashtags and search engine. I also really enjoyed having to pivot or improvise with the currently trending hashtags when showing examples since I did not know #FridayFeeling with the photo of the cute pig would be the one that I end up using as an example for replying, retweeting, and favoriting.
In terms of constructive criticism for myself, I do wish that I could have looked at the screen less because that takes away from the eye contact and engagement that I could have with the audience. When giving visual aid speeches with a live platform, like Twitter, I think it would nice to have a smaller screen in front of me so that I can know what I am doing when I am typing and clicking on things but still ensure that I am facing the audience and not just turning back and forth.
Making and presenting this speech was such a positive experience for me and it really helped me realize that it is so important to be excited about what you are presenting and to have passion for what you talk about. This leads me to think that it is extremely important on a larger scale with my job and what I do because in order for me to be enthusiastic and do a great job, I have to enjoy and believe in what I am doing.

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