Monday, April 13, 2015

"Why Isn't it called ludicrous speed" Tesla P85D reflection

It's not called ludicrous speed, probably because Elon would get sued by Mel Brooks. Out of all the speeches, this was by far my favorite to do. The amazement on your faces when I showed the second video is why I (and the class) chose this topic; Not only do I find it personally interesting, but I knew that you would also find it interesting. It's a revolutionary car as I mentioned, all wrapped up in a beautiful package.

What I think I did good on this project is my visual aids. Many hours spent sitting behind my computer slaving on Premiere Pro paid off, me thinks. Furthermore I picked a topic the class had wanted me to talk about, so there's that too.

The worst thing about my project? Timing. I went over. Also I stuttered and forgot to add one extra bit information. The acceleration on the Tesla hits over 1.3G from 0-24 mph. That's more G's than freefall, to you skydivers.

What I learned while making this project is that just a few years ago, before the Model S and supercharging, the future of the electric car was bleak. And it still is unless you have a Model S. (Trust me, I'd never buy any other electric car because they can't supercharge).

Oh, and if you read my last blog, where I said "This wasn't what I had originally intended to be my topic for the persuasive speech. That topic, however is going to be my visual speech (I wasn't able to get the visual aids on time). ", Sorry. That wasn't actually what I had intended to do, as I had to delay it. But it will be my Final project, because it's the most important one of all.

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