Monday, March 30, 2015

Persuasive speech reflection

For this speech, I wanted to the audience to see that fruit juice may not actually be good for you and to switch to healthier habits.When I first started working on my outline, I had a lot of comparison between real fruit and fruit juice to show the difference, but then it started to look like I wanted people to know that whole fruit is a better choice than fruit juice (a fact that I'm sure everyone knows, and would make my speech pointless). What I wanted to focus on was that fruit juice is actually bad for you. As a child, I grew up thinking that fruit juice was a healthy drink and it counts as a serving of fruit, but as I took more classes regarding health, I came to see that fruit juice was actually loaded with sugar and is almost as bad as a soda would be for you.

Although I had practice with the introduction and informative speeches, I felt like I didn't do as well for this speech. I tried to speak a little louder, without getting softer at the end of my sentences but I'm not sure how well I did with that. I do feel comfortable speaking in front of the class now, although that may be because I am used to and comfortable around our classmates. Having a receptive and supportive audience definitely makes speaking in front of the class much easier. Once again, I feel like I finished before the 5 minutes were up and that may be because I tend to speak faster when I am presenting in class or that I leave some information out that I was planning on saying beforehand.

While watching my classmates present their speeches, I can see that having visuals or other effects makes the speech much more interesting and effective. I hope that I can incorporate some fun visuals in our upcoming speech.

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