Monday, March 23, 2015

Persuasive Speech: The Walking Dead

I just finished my persuasive speech on The Walking Dead. This is something that I am extremely passionate about because it truly is one of my favorite TV shows and I am highly involved in the fandom. I found that passion is really important because it can help fuel my speech- but I also found that passion could be damaging because I feel like I was speaking too fast and getting too excited
to the point where I was sort flustered. I just really love The Walking Dead! Even though I felt like I was saying a lot of words, I was still caught up with the keyboard not working for a moment and then running a few seconds over time. I definitely want to work more on losing that sense of panic when something small goes wrong. I think I can do this by taking a deep breath and then continuing on my speech in a more controlled and relaxed manner.
I remember that during my last speech I would sort of pace a little bit and move my legs, so I tried to do that less and use my hands more so that it looked more like a proper speech. I had a powerpoint to accompany my speech that consisted of just visuals so that it would not take away from my words but rather supplement them. Primarily, I highlighted the empowering characters, the aspects they have to deal with for endurance, and the idea of compassion being so unique to the show. I enjoyed having a powerpoint and will definitely implement that in my future speeches so long as it can help enhance it.

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