Monday, March 2, 2015

Informative Speech Blog

Cameron Smith

 With our first real speech I felt that I did really well. I was pretty nervous before I got up there, but I once I got up there I felt a lot more relaxed. My preparation for the speech is what helped a lot. I think I prepared for the exact amount of time. When I prepare too much for something like that I over think it and it ends up not going as well. I covered all the main points that helped back up my topic and I really didn't forget to say anything I wanted to.

One thing I would like to work on is my emotion while in front of everyone. My voice felt flat and monotone. I think with more practice up there I will get better at that because that really is how comfortable you are up in front of people. I was very happy once I finished speaking. I'm glad how the speech went and I cant wait to do more and get better with public speaking.

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