Friday, March 27, 2015

Still a couple of mistakes, but progress was made! -- How Education Is Killing Creativity Speech

For my persuasive speech I talked about how education is killing creativity. It occurred to me to write this topic just a couple of weeks ago when my best friend's sister called me asking me about how I got into the National Honors Society back in high school. I had to dive deep into my memory only to find that I remembered very little of the experience. I couldn't remember what I wrote for my essay, how many people joined with me or the induction ceremony. My friend's sister was astonished. "How can you not remember?" she asked me. The only thing I could answer was that at this point in my life I had come to realize that there were many more factors that would determine whether you would be successful and joining NHS was not one of them. I was frustrated. Why did high schools place so much emphasis on something so trivial. I did a lot of research as to what was going on in the education system and I decided to talk about how education is killing creativity for my persuasive speech.

In comparison to my previous speech, I believe I improved significantly. I definitely mastered the information more and even though I did not use a note card, I did not accidentally skip any part of my speech as happened last time. I found it very useful to actively engage with the information when I did my research that way it was easy for me to cite my sources during my speech. It helped a lot and I nailed it! I correctly cited three of my authors along with the corresponding year in which they did their research. I was also able to see a relation between the different articles, which made it very easy for me to refer back to the main point. Overall, I am very content with the delivery of this speech.

Of course, there are still things that I definitely need to improve on. Although I tried to me more assertive with my statements, it was very difficult for me to avoid "upspeaking" because I was nervous and I wanted to make sure that I did not forget anything. I think now that I have seen that I do not need a note card to deliver my speeches, I feel more confident. I believe for our next assignment, I will be more comfortable focusing on my body language as well as my tone of voice. I also need to make sure that I do not go over the time. I believe I spent too much time on the introduction, so for my next speech I will strive to be more straightforward. Despite my shaky voice and a little keyboard malfunction, I believe I certainly improved and I am very content with my work.

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