Friday, March 27, 2015

The "go 2838392 miles for 20 cents with diesel" speech relfection

This wasn't what I had originally intended to be my topic for the persuasive speech. That topic, however is going to be my visual speech (I wasn't able to get the visual aids on time). Like my informative speech, this was automotive related, as it's something I am passionate about and also know a lot about. What I had learned while preparing is that in case of "academic sources" pretty much everyone only cares about biodiesel. I had to dig and dig to find stuff about the new Clean Diesel generation.

One thing I did on my persuasive speech that I learned from my informative speech is I cut down on time. I introduced less slides and left out some details that weren't as important. Another thing that was helpful was that since my last speech was about turbchargers and since pretty much all modern diesel engines are turbocharged (Hence the name "turbodiesel") I was able to speed through my speech. I also used the mpas to show numbers and sizes (and the size comparison of jupiter, mileages, etc)

One thing I didn't do very well is I noticed that I stuttered a few times, because I hadn't had time to practice unlike my informative speech. I also wasn't able to fit all the information I wanted to, but that was due to time constraints.

This topic is important to me, as I care about cars and driving, but I also care about efficiency and the environment (surprisngly). Going for on a tank when you need it is very important. Like in Buck's water bottle thing, I use reusable water bottles and refill old water bottles, and recycle and try to stay environmentally friendly (If I could, I would put solar panels on my house). It's because I feel guilty about polluting with cars, which is something I will never give up.

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