Saturday, March 28, 2015

"Nice Job, Everyone!" - A Review Of The Persuasive Speeches

For my persuasive speech, I took the teacher’s notes from the last presentation and applied them. This time, I focused on my center of gravity. I did my best to pace in a more natural way. I also made an effort with my hand gestures. In my informative speech, I think they were a bit out of control. This time around, I tried to keep them in a secure area. In all, I liked the way my speech went. This was my favorite assignment so far. This is not just because I enjoyed preparing it, but I loved everyone else’s speeches. In this assignment, I will talk about what I liked in everyone’s speeches, starting with Monday. Then I will say how I think we all did as a class. I will start by talking about Monday’s speeches.
I liked the Monday speeches a whole lot. The one about juice drinking got to me. Every other day I have a fruit smoothie with protein. Is that unhealthy? I also liked the speech about The Walking Dead. I don’t watch it, but now it seems like a cool show. There was something else I thought was cool about that presentation. The Big Bang Theory, really? I don't think that is a very good show, and somehow it’s the top rated sitcom in America. Go figure. The last presentation I liked on Monday was the one about Spotify. Phew! I thought I was killing musicians’ dreams by streaming their music. Now I am thinking, eh. All someone has to do now is convince me that eating meat is okay. That one I am still on the fence about. I mean, have you ever spent time with a chicken on a chicken farm? So cute. That was my review of Monday’s speeches. Now I will talk about what I liked about Wednesday’s speeches.
The persuasive speeches on Wednesday were fascinating. I liked Aaron’s speech about student sports. It is rare that one gets to see the opposing argument of why athletes should get paid. Also, the one about diesel versus gas was also interesting. Now, I want to get a car with diesel! Also, I think I know way more than I need to about the dangers of Pharmaceuticals. Thanks, Eric. That was my short recount of Wednesday’s speeches. Now I will try my best to incorporate most of Friday's speeches in this next review.
The most memorable speech from yesterday was Buck’s speech about water bottles. That is because this is an opinion that I agree with, and I liked his movie. This world has got to cool it with those water bottles. The one about the paparazzi struck me, too. Hm. I had never been sympathetic toward someone like Kanye until now. This morning I saw a video of him trying to take a paparazzo’s camera. This time around, I felt bad for him. Last but not least, the speech about dancing I liked. In this speech, the speaker did a lot more showing than everyone else. His gestures made his persuasion come to life. That was my review of all my speeches. Now, here is my attempt at looking at the bigger picture.
I think that my speech fit in pretty well with all the other speeches. Right now I think I am along the same line as everyone else when it comes to public presenting. We are all good, but we all could use some work. I don’t think there is any student in this class who stands out as the best. I think that Cynthia Wang is doing a great job in helping us get there. Some of her notes come as a surprise, but the more I think about them the more I say, “oh ya, she’s right”.

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