Monday, March 2, 2015

To eat or not to eat dog meat? informative speech reflection

In coming up with a topic for the informative speech, I first wanted to inform the class about the history of LA Chinatown because it is something that is dear to my heart. I grew up in Chinatown and while it does have a very rich and interesting history, it is also a part of me. But as I was doing research, I realized that the class may not resonate with it as much as I do, and so I decided to change my topic to something that will catch the class's attention: the topic of eating dog meat.

Whereas I would not choose to eat dog meat, or any other exotic meat, if I was given the choice, I am well aware that in many cultures, it is considered a delicacy or even an everyday food. I know this because I had once sat at a table where dog meat was offered as one of the dishes and I was encouraged to eat some since it was prepared for the special occasion.

I was not sure how the audience would react to my speech since dogs are loved pets and treated like family for those that  own dogs. I personally love dogs and animals in general. But the audience remained calm and listened to my speech until the end. Although I was nervous for my speech, the support from the audience helped calm some of my nerves and made it easier for me to speak in front of the class.

I don't think my speech fell in between the 5-7 minute mark. What I should do next time is to work on making each point flow from one to the next with transitions since that was what I was unable to do effectively for this speech. I felt more like I was listing each point too much one after the other. Overall, although I still had some difficulties, I feel like I am making an improvement and that speaking in front of the class is becoming less nerve racking.

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