Saturday, March 28, 2015

Persuasive Speech: Spotify is the Future of the Music Industry

For my persuasive speech, I spoke about the benefits of Spotify and why the public should not feel guilty about streaming on this service. I chose this topic because I felt that it was relevant and relatable to my audience, because streaming music has become a huge deal in the last couple of years. While it has risen in popularity, Spotify has also triggered a debate between those who recognize it's authenticity and those who don't. As a user of Spotify myself, I wanted to understand both sides of the debate and figure out why artists like Taylor Swift were adamant to remove their music. I also sought out the opinions of my friends who have found that Spotify has been a life-changing service when it comes to listening to music on demand. Despite arguments claiming that Spotify has been robbing artists of the worth of their music, through much research, I found that the situation is actually the exact opposite. Since we are living in the digital age, a service such as Spotify is the best option to combat any other methods of accessing music that might be detrimental to the true value of music.
As far as my presentation, I definitely felt more confident while I was speaking and this time I did not over think it. Although sometimes when I lost my thought I think I relied a bit heavily on my note cards. I also had a few technical difficulties when the keyboard was not connecting to the monitor, but I was able to get past that and keep moving forward. In contrast to my informative speech, I believe that the message of my persuasive speech was much more clear and organized. I hope that my audience received the message well and that they were able to feel a connection. Overall, I feel that I have improved and I look forward to working on my final speech. I also enjoyed hearing my peers as well, and I'm really proud of all our progress this semester!

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