Sunday, May 10, 2015

Final Project Reflection

For my final project, my partner and I decided to write about the hook up culture. Originally though, this was not the topic we wanted to work on. We had both taken a psychology class about interpersonal relationships and we were eager to discuss some of the things we had learned in class. In truth, we actually wanted to debunk many relationship myths out there. I shared my plan with the class, but they all said they would rather hear about something else. They actually did not want to know the truth about relationships! What they really wanted to know about was the hook- up culture and whether it was actually something new on college campuses. Seeing that it was relevant to our audience, we went for it!

I was very content with the outcome of our project. I enjoyed learning about the history of hooking up and what were the technologies that influenced dating scripts. Diane did an excellent job with the video, which I don't think I would have been able to do.

This project was definitely a learning experience- particularly for my personal growth. I learned many things about myself that I will be able to apply in future group projects. I learned that I was a control- freak and that it is definitely something I need to work on. I also learned that I get stressed really easily. In essence, I learned that I need to let things go... and that sometimes I just need to take a chill pill. I am very content with the final product and I hope you find learning about the history of hooking up as much as I did.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Eric Pinashin: Comm 204 Final Project Reflection with Link

Good morning Everybody!

Well, it looks like this will probably be my final blog posting of my undergraduate career at USC, and I'm glad that the topic is going to be on how I collaborated with David on creating our informational video on sunbathing.

The week before we were supposed to introduce our topics to the class, I was lost on how I was going to create and edit a video all by myself, and how would I get good footage with just my Android videocamera?! At that moment, David approached me in class and asked me if I would want to join his group, and I gladly accepted. I first thought that the biggest impediment would be that since I don't live on campus, arranging a time to meet would be a pain, but we crunched out the project in a timely manner, and it was done accordingly to when I was already on campus, so no commuting issues arose from that :).

When David introduced me to his idea of sunbathing, I thought this was a bit of a funny idea at first, but then after David it explained it to me, it sunk in. But I was still stuck with what I was going to talk about in sunbathing, since I am not an aficionado as others maybe. I then pitched the idea of discussing the negative health implications of sunbathing, and David said it was a great idea. So far, we are 2/2 for avoiding negative consequences :).

The greatest part about working with David, asides from the fact that he's been a really chill guy all semester, was that he was a master in video editing. We split the work accordingly in terms of recording and choosing images, but David was the one who put in the most work for video editing and making sure that all of our cuts looked flawless and transitioned smoothly. If I didn't have David as my partner, this would've been one hell of a project that I would have had to work on. Since our topic was more or less straightforward, we did not have any particular challenges, well, maybe David did when he showed me how to use Final Cut Pro (Video Editing Software), but I found this to be an educational experience. This is perhaps, the smoothest and easiest group project that I have ever worked on. It was as if we were completing each other's sentences in regards to this project. There was no bickering, no flaking, no arguments, nothing, everything went smoothly, and I can't thank David enough for him bringing me onboard his team.

Here is the link to David and I's project, which I hope all of you will enjoy, especially since summer is coming up :D

And I wanted to give one more big thank you to Cynthia for being such an awesome professor this semester. I can whole heartedly say that this was my favorite class during the semester, and even though I am a Biological Sciences major, I learned a whole lot of critical information, which will propel me in my aspiring career of business and Biology. It was a pleasure taking your class Cynthia, and I hope that you will enjoy your summer.

Thank you everyone for making this a fun and exciting semester. I hope everybody enjoys their summer, and remember, don't forget the sunscreen! :)

Eric Pinashin

Final Project Reflection_Sleep

For this last assignment, coming up with a topic was pretty difficult. It took a while before Emma and I came up with some possible topics. In terms of coming up with an outline for our video, it worked best when we met up and worked on it together instead of working on it on our own. It was more efficient and we could run different ideas across each other and change our outline if we wanted. Another advantage of working with a partner was that we could come up with ideas that the other might not have thought of. Working together also made this process more fun, since we had someone to share it with (you struggle together or have fun together). We came up with the general outline together and then split up the work to expand on each topic, which facilitated the process. As for the video, we originally wanted to use Moovly or some other site, but after trying it out, decided it was best to just film ourselves and to add some effects. Emma had some editing experience so she was able to put the video together after we discussed what kind of effects we wanted in the video (I personally think the owl that pops up is pretty funny). Overall, allowing us to work in groups was a good experience. We will need to work in groups or teams in the future and this enables us to get some practice for the real world! Again, thanks for a great semester, Cynthia!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

KarpasD Project Final: Sunbathing

Making the video with Eric was a tremendous experience. Because we were in the middle of studying for other finals we buckled down and got to work. The team worked well. I handled the cultural side of suntanning, while he covered all the scientific aspects. Making a speech in a full video format was an interesting experience. I got to work with my wheelhouse, so I felt much more comfortable doing this than making a speech. That is not to say that I have enjoyed making speeches. My skills in public speaking have strengthened a lot, and I owe this class to that. But, it was a cool experience to finish off the semester doing something that I plan on doing with my life. I also got to learn a lot more about sunbathing than I thought I would. I owe much of that to Eric’s research and Brooke’s comment about Coco Chanel. Eric made SPF something I could understand. I just assumed the higher the better, but he showed that there is an actual scientific side of making SPF. More than this, that story about Coco Chanel has been supported on many different Internet sources. That blew me away. I am in a fashion class and we are talking about how magazines like Vogue are the arbiters of fashion. The story about Chanel becoming the authority of tanning makes perfect sense now. Overall, this was a great way to finish everything up. I enjoyed it very much, and I wish more classes would do projects with partners or teams. Doing things in pairs or groups is the future, so why not incorporate that into academia? Great job, Eric!

Final Project with my home girl (w/ project link)

For the final project I had the pleasure of working with Ms. Brooke Fry! It involved a lot of late nights at Delta Gamma as well as a full day on 28th street capturing footage. Brooke's sophomore knowledge of the row made the process of  interviewing individuals much easier.  Brooke knew everyone, and everyone was glad to help out! Brooke provided almost all the research on the project. Her experience on the row certainly lent its hand to statistics, as well as general knowledge of Greek student body leaders. In addition, the fact that everyone made themselves so readily available to help fellow Greek members demonstrated to me yet another aspect or perk of the row. Even though I was not in the same house as another individual, they still were there. Through take after take, with little to no frustration. This immense amount of respect and patience for fellow greek affiliates showed me that the Greek system is a team. We all want to help one another out and at the end of the day it doesn't matter if we wear different letters on our chests.
My main job on the project was editing the video. For the opening and closing I wanted to juxtapose the recent news reports and other infamous moments of Greek Life with our own Greek members. This antithesis between the two was intended to bring our speech full circle. In addition, my job was to break down our long dialogue into 3 specific sections: academic support, social support, and character development. This proved to be the most difficult challenge, because it was arduous to order the clips in a way that made coherent sense to the viewer.
Overall, I thought the project was not only soooooo fun to shoot and edit, but really provided some solid reasons as to why Greek Life is a positive thing on college campuses.

Video Link:

Link to my final Project Blog

For formatting and time reasons, I didn't post my blog in the class blog, but you can read it here:

Thank you all for a great semester.

Technologies that have Changed the Way We Date --by: Isabella and Diane

Hey Everyone!!

Check out our final project for COMM 204! :D 

As we thought about topics for our project, many of our peers suggested that we talk about hooking up. Many of them had been told that it was nothing new on college campuses and that they were interested in knowing more. The truth is, they were right! Hooking up is nothing new! It has actually been the norm on college campuses since the 60’s. 

For our project, we decided to investigate more as to how hooking up started and how the dating scripts have changed over the years. We discovered that there are three technologies that have changed the way we date. Learn more about how the car, the birth control pill and the internet have shaped our romantic lives. We hope you enjoy!

-Diane and Isabella
