Friday, May 1, 2015

Are YOU a foodie? (Informative speech)

We live in a world in where trends, as fickle as they are, dominate society. It's all about the latest fad whether it be about food, clothes, or even hair color. That leads me to my why I chose to talk about the foodie movement. Food is a basic necessity of life that not everyone thought about but thanks to this new "trend," people are actually caring about food. Caring about food and what you eat is extremely important because what we choose to eat and where we choose to eat it affects not only the people around you, but it affects the environment around us. We may not blatantly see the negative consequences of making poor eating decisions but we can feel it if we don't change the way we think about food. I really wanted to talk about this movement because it bothers me when I hear so many people calling themselves "foodies" when all they do is take pictures of their food in order to garner likes via social media sites. Like I said in my speech, being a foodie means more than just loving to eat food.

Before I discuss my performance, I just want to put it out there that I did theater and choir back in high school, so being in the spotlight isn't something new. Granted I was a nervous (wrecking)ball of a wreck . . . but after the first minute of being on stage, the stage fright subsided and I was able to continue performing without any fear. And with that being said, I have no idea what it was about giving these speeches that made me so nervous! I was pretty calm BEFORE I got to class but a huge cloud of nervousness or stage fright came over me the minute I stood up in front of the class. Eventually the fright went away but it still baffles me as to why it gets so intense at times. I need to somehow find a way to "ease my mind" of these fears because I feel doing that will really enhance my speaking skills. I find that my nervousness significantly interferes with my train of thought. 

 I hope everyone enjoyed listening to it as much as I enjoyed talking about it! 

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