Thursday, May 7, 2015

Final Project Reflection_Sleep

For this last assignment, coming up with a topic was pretty difficult. It took a while before Emma and I came up with some possible topics. In terms of coming up with an outline for our video, it worked best when we met up and worked on it together instead of working on it on our own. It was more efficient and we could run different ideas across each other and change our outline if we wanted. Another advantage of working with a partner was that we could come up with ideas that the other might not have thought of. Working together also made this process more fun, since we had someone to share it with (you struggle together or have fun together). We came up with the general outline together and then split up the work to expand on each topic, which facilitated the process. As for the video, we originally wanted to use Moovly or some other site, but after trying it out, decided it was best to just film ourselves and to add some effects. Emma had some editing experience so she was able to put the video together after we discussed what kind of effects we wanted in the video (I personally think the owl that pops up is pretty funny). Overall, allowing us to work in groups was a good experience. We will need to work in groups or teams in the future and this enables us to get some practice for the real world! Again, thanks for a great semester, Cynthia!

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