Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Final Project with my home girl (w/ project link)

For the final project I had the pleasure of working with Ms. Brooke Fry! It involved a lot of late nights at Delta Gamma as well as a full day on 28th street capturing footage. Brooke's sophomore knowledge of the row made the process of  interviewing individuals much easier.  Brooke knew everyone, and everyone was glad to help out! Brooke provided almost all the research on the project. Her experience on the row certainly lent its hand to statistics, as well as general knowledge of Greek student body leaders. In addition, the fact that everyone made themselves so readily available to help fellow Greek members demonstrated to me yet another aspect or perk of the row. Even though I was not in the same house as another individual, they still were there. Through take after take, with little to no frustration. This immense amount of respect and patience for fellow greek affiliates showed me that the Greek system is a team. We all want to help one another out and at the end of the day it doesn't matter if we wear different letters on our chests.
My main job on the project was editing the video. For the opening and closing I wanted to juxtapose the recent news reports and other infamous moments of Greek Life with our own Greek members. This antithesis between the two was intended to bring our speech full circle. In addition, my job was to break down our long dialogue into 3 specific sections: academic support, social support, and character development. This proved to be the most difficult challenge, because it was arduous to order the clips in a way that made coherent sense to the viewer.
Overall, I thought the project was not only soooooo fun to shoot and edit, but really provided some solid reasons as to why Greek Life is a positive thing on college campuses.

Video Link:

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