Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Technologies that have Changed the Way We Date --by: Isabella and Diane

Hey Everyone!!

Check out our final project for COMM 204! :D 

As we thought about topics for our project, many of our peers suggested that we talk about hooking up. Many of them had been told that it was nothing new on college campuses and that they were interested in knowing more. The truth is, they were right! Hooking up is nothing new! It has actually been the norm on college campuses since the 60’s. 

For our project, we decided to investigate more as to how hooking up started and how the dating scripts have changed over the years. We discovered that there are three technologies that have changed the way we date. Learn more about how the car, the birth control pill and the internet have shaped our romantic lives. We hope you enjoy!

-Diane and Isabella


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