Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

Prior to the informative speech, I had trouble deciding on a topic that I found interesting enough to compile into a 5-7 minute speech. There are many controversies currently in our media, so I decided to look deeper into these issues and research my possibilities. While the media has portrayed an ideal body image onto consumers throughout our history, it seems to be worse than ever today. I found a lot of information on the concept of photo shopping realistic photos in order to make them look as realistic as possible, with an unrealistic body size. This controversy can affect individuals world wide, specifically women, of which the majority of our class is, so I chose this topic.

Naturally, I tend to become extremely nervous and anxious when it comes to speaking in front of others, no matter what the topic is. I practiced my speech several times, and timed myself in order to make sure I was around the required time limit and seemed to be doing great (yet, this was all by myself). When my day came to present the speech I found myself becoming increasingly nervous and wanting to chicken out.

Reading over my notes and reciting the speech in my head boosted my confidence quite a bit, so I don't think I was as nervous as I expected once I was in front of the room. However, I tend to speak quickly when nervous, and I noticed that I hadn't received any of the time warnings ("2 minutes", "1 minute", "wrap it up"), so I decided to show my 1 minute video clip on my topic to give valid examples of the extremes of photo shopping to the class.

Overall, I enjoyed the Informative speech as it gave me the opportunity to research into a topic I may not have, and was able to test my nervous and capabilities and speak in front of the class.
Next time, I hope to gain even more confidence, and that my nerves will lessen with each speech given.

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