Thursday, October 2, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

I believe that overall my informative speech went well. For the first in depth assignment for the class, it was a nice introduction as to what to expect for the remaining assignments this semester. I learned a lot in the process of preparing for my speech, especially through the outlining process. I have recently started making more outlines for speeches and papers in all of my classes, and I have found that it helps me a lot. I am able to organize my thoughts in a more clear and concise way, which also helps with my delivery. It was hard for me to condense my formal outline into a keyword outline and notecards.

            One of the biggest challenges I faced for this speech that I chose to give on Birthright-Israel, was timing. When I was practicing my speech and focusing on the outline, I was concerned that I would not meet the time requirement. Because of this concern, I ended up spending more time on my introduction and first point, and did not leave enough time for the rest of my points. For the next speech assignment I will make sure that I do not spend too much time on one point again. I did not go over time, but I regret not being able to go more in depth with the rest of my points. Overall, I would say that this speech went smoothly and I look forward to the opportunity to improve with the next assignment.

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