Wednesday, October 8, 2014

julia tseng comm 204

I did my topic on whether or not student athletes should be paid because I feel that this is an interesting and controversial topic. This also has to do with the fact that I am a student athlete on campus, even though track is not the most income generating sport I still find it an interesting topic. I first researched this topic from sports sites such as ESPN and Fox Sports. I wanted to see what the reporters and critics are saying. Then I went to JSTOR and ProQuest to look for peer reviewed articles on this topic. I learned that this is a very popular topic and I had no problems finding sources.

During the speech, I felt that I was able to stick to my main points. I was making good eye contact, and I was looking at the entire room also. The things that I can work on would be being able to slow the speech down a bit, I felt like I was talking to fast. I also paused many times to look at my flashcards. I was still very nervous even though I had practiced the speech many times. I need to work on relaxing more. I also felt that my speech was under 5 minutes. I need ot work on elaborating more on my main points.

The challenges I faced were trying to figure out what is important and what was not ncessary to include in the speech. It was hard for me start the speech because I know so much about this topic that I had a hard time choosing which areas I wanted to focus on. I had to change the way I approached this speech because I had too much information in the wrong main points. Overall, I feel that I could've done a better, and I need to work on relaxing more and feel more confident about the topics I choose to do.

Julia Tseng comm 204

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