Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

I learned that preparing a speech really takes a lot of work. The outline was definitely the hardest part for me. I had a hard time figuring out what I was suppose to talk about in an informative speech. My first outline that I completed for the peer reviews in class was too much of a summary but it was good to learn because I went home and re did my outline and think that it made my speech much stronger. I learned that even in an informational speech you need to focus on the impact of the subject, the relevance you yourself have to the topic, and also how the audience can connect to the topic. Through this assignment I also learned how hard it is to find scholarly sources. I had a really hard time finding sources because Every Fifteen Minutes is a program that has a website and also because it is a program for high school students so there aren't any books about it.

My topic was very important to me because my sister was the student that died in the Every 15 Minutes simulation last year and my old high school. I cry every time that I watch the video that is on youtube of the simulation, and it had a very big impact on me. Because it had such a big impact on me I thought it would be a very good subject to talk to with other college students because there are so many people in our age group that make the poor decision to drive while drunk and often times take there friends lives.

The things I felt that I could have improved on is in my speech was the organization.  I think that I wanted to talk about to much in the such short amount of time of 7 minutes. Unfortunately I did feel like I ran out of time and I didn't really get to touch on my last main point because I saw that I needed to wrap it up. So for my next speech I think I really need to run through the speech more before I come in to deliver it in front of the class. But I felt like I did a good job in knowing my subject. I never really forgot what I was suppose to say. I felt very comfortable and informed on my subject which made it much easier to stand in front of the class and talk.

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