Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Informative Speech Reflection

In writing and preparing for my speech, I felt confident. I knew a great deal on my topic (The #HeForShe Campaign) and felt that I organized my speech in a productive manner. I also felt that I practiced a solid amount, which would prevent me from getting nervous in my speech. Although I felt all of these things prior, when I got up to present I felt a rush of nerves and anxiety.

Right when I got up to the front, my heart started beating abnormally fast. While I was giving my speech, I could feel my body shaking and I felt that my speech sounded rushed and unnatural. After being up there for a minute or so, I began feeling a little bit more relaxed and my speech became easier. Next time, I need to start my speech in a more relaxed manner. I need to remember that I'm the only one who really cares how my speech goes so I shouldn't be nervous. I also think I need to work on making my speech more candid. I would stumble on my words when I realized I wasn't saying something exactly as I practiced it when it did not really matter as long as I was getting my point across.

I believe this speech was a really great learning opportunity because I have realized that I need to calm down and take a few deep and relaxing breaths before my speech starts. Also, I've realized that I need to be confident in my ideas so that they flow naturally rather than having structured sentence that I follow. I am going to try and work on both of these things and hopefully that will cause me to be able to present better next time.

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