Thursday, October 9, 2014

Informative Speech

I definitely am disappointed in how my speech went. I was way more nervous than I anticipated in the moments before I wen tup to speak, but once I actually went up to speak my nerves dissolved. I feel like I worked myself up too much and in that time, I should have been reviewing my note cards.
When I practiced in my room by myself, it was very easy for me to hit all the points I needed to make. However, when I spoke in front of the class, I was not able to cover everything I planned to talk about. Many of my points work together without anything needing to be in a certain order and I feel I could have organized better. My points kind of worked in a cycle and I felt like I was talking in circles at some point. That made me very self conscious and definitely threw me off a little bit. I felt as if the paper announcing that one minute was left also threw me off and a panicked, wrapping up immediately. I am unsure if my wrap up was well done because I just threw it together in what I thought was the appropriate amount of time. I wish I could have elaborated more on the negative aspects of being vegan and my own experience with that lifestyle. I thought that a powerpoint would help me but I found it kind of distracting. Additionally, I was not exactly sure what we were allowed to put on each slide. Words would have been more useful to me, but I did not coordinate the timing of the slides well enough with my speech.
I think that I did a good job with my topic choice, picking something that is relevant and interesting (I hope) to my classmates. I also think I do a good job at projecting and sounding confident, even if I am not feeling confident. I look forward to my next speech where I can time my speech better, make less points, and reference more sources.

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