Saturday, November 1, 2014

Persuasive speech

This time, my speech didn't go quite as smoothly as I'd hoped. I wish I didn't get so nervous. I noticed that there were many times when I spoke way to quickly (and almost ran out of breath...). I needed to pay more attention to what I was saying that not just let the words rush out of my mouth. I didn't even notice whether I was saying "umms" or "so" or other filler words... Next time, I should practice slowing down my speech more. I think that if I practice saying the speech slowly, I might not speak as fast in class.

I think I did well in that I was able to fit in all parts of my speech--meaning that I did cut down on the information enough when preparing. When preparing, I found that it's good to look for good journal article and then see what sources that article cites. This can lead to more good articles to use. I also realized that I really like starting with a interesting statistic. For this speech specifically, I liked using the fact that 18% of Americans speak a second language, because that percentage is shockingly low, especially compared to 53% of Europeans.

Tuesday: I really enjoyed Susan's speech, because it's definitely very relevant to students. It was intriguing that the help the government tries to provide isn't actually helping students in the long run--in the long run, it's actually forcing students to pay more in interest. I do agree that price is a big deterrent for students from lower-income families, and because so many jobs look for college education and degrees, it's important that these students are able to afford college, too.

Thursday: I really enjoyed Sunny's speech, because I also agree that it's better to give time than money. When you donate, you don't really know where you donation is going, but when you give time, you know exactly what it's going towards. Also, when you give your time, people can really see that you care.

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