Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Visual Aid Reflection

            I believe that this was my strongest speech of the semester. I addressed a serious problem (drug use) and offered realistic solutions. This is highly relevant to the class partially because college students are a big EDM demographic, but also because any person in the United States has likely seen many headlines about deaths from ecstasy, and it is important to fully understand the problem. I am also much happier with my visuals that I usually am when I give presentations with PowerPoints. I had never considered the fact that I didn’t have to do bullet points, and I think not using bullet points allowed me to use visuals that were actually interesting.

            One thing I struggled with was establishing credibility. I do not actually attend raves, even though I do listen to EDM. However, I hope that my research spoke strongly enough for itself. I also think my conclusion could have been stronger by having a better-stated so what, but I am happy with my overall message.

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