Monday, November 3, 2014

Persuasive Speech - Reflection Blog

            I felt less confident after this speech than my informative speech, which was interesting since I actually spent more time to practicing it. I think there were just certain ways of logically phrasing arguments that I could have made a little clearer so that I could state them more confidently. I also forgot to say a line in my intro about how I work at a label to establish credibility and also recognize bias. I also feel like my informative speech was probably more interesting, even if this speech had more of a “so what.”

            I really liked the visuals that Cheannie used in her speech on celebrity infatuation. They were interesting and further proved what she was saying. The slide that compared Obama’s Twitter followers to a celeb’s was great. I also thought Julia’s was really interesting since I had never heard of Planet Fitness, and the descriptions were so ridiculous that they were entertaining. I think she should have argued that the government should crack down on their false advertising instead of just shutting down the whole operation considering that that is not really something they would reasonably be able to do, but she is definitely right that something should be done to stop them from trying to convince people that they really promote health. 

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