Thursday, November 6, 2014

Persuasive Speech Reflection

From doing my persuasive speech I learned a lot more about mental illness. I had already known a lot about mental illness and how present it is in our society but by doing this research I learned that it is even a bigger problem than I had known. I also learned that I should have practiced giving my speech a few more time because there were a few times I did get caught up. But overall I feel that this speech was stronger than my first speech and I did feel more comfortable in front of the class than I did last time. This topic meant so much to me because like I mentioned in my speech my half sister Shaylee has borderline personality disorder ad bipolar disorder. I have witnessed how so many of the problems that my family has had with my sister could have been avoided had there been better education and help for her.
For last Tuesdays speeches I really enjoyed Rileys speech on personal waste. I really do think this is a problem that could be helped so easily people just need to be better informed of the problem and then they will be more aware of their own personal waste. For last Thursdays speeches I really enjoyed Stephanies speech on adopting puppies. I agree that it is ridiculous that so many little dogs are being killed because they are not being adopted meanwhile people are breeding thousands of dogs when we do not need anymore dogs. And for this past Tuesday I really enjoyed Troys speech on paying student athletes. Although swimming would not be one of the sports that would benefit from this considering we do not make a profit. I do think that football and basketball players should get some of the money considering they are making a profit because of their work.

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