Thursday, November 27, 2014

visual aid reflection blog

Visual Aid Reflection Blog

I was nervous before giving this speech because I have found it difficult to find a happy medium of amount of info to cover during my speeches. The first informative speech I had too much info to go over and the second persuasive speech I feel as if I did not have enough, even though I made the same number of points (difference due to elaboration/length of points/etc).  This time, I was able to cover all my info within 7 minutes / appropriately fill the time slot so I was satisfied with this.

Additionally, I usually don't really notice audience reaction while I am talking (perhaps because I was not used to public speaking so the last thing I'm observing is if everyone is paying attention). However this time, I feel as if I got positive audience feedback (Laughs, nods) which made me feel like I did a better job in making my points easy to understand and more entertaining to watch.

I think I potentially spent too much time facing my visual aid as I had to make many references to it and I was not familiar enough to the layout of the magazine to point out where everything was. I think I also could have worked better on integrating my quotes as I would be talking extemporaneously and then suddenly look down and read a quote verbatim from my note cards.

I wrote a lot on my note cards but did not end up using them much so I was excited about this point as well. Overall, I think this was my best speech (as it should be being the end of the semester) and I am satisfied with what I have learned in this class/how I have incorporated it into my speaking both in this class and in Comm 322 (debate).

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