Monday, November 24, 2014

Visual Aid Speech

I felt much better about this speech than I did with my persuasive one. I spent a lot more time practicing it orally and that made me less nervous. I felt pressured by the number of topics I wanted to talk about and racing with the clock but I think in the end I covered everything to a good enough level that my audience understood my topic.

I think I still need practice working with a visual aid component because I didn't feel like I got it down just right yet but it was definitely an improvement from using a powerpoint presentation in my last speech. I am also not going to use Prezi next time because I was unable to do some effects that one normally does on powerpoint that helps the transitions of talking points and makes the visual aid more effective for the audience.

Overall, I think my presence was there. My tone and volume were appropriate and I think I made great eye contact with my audience. I saw that there were definitely people interested in the topic and I saw their reactions to points I was making and it was exactly how I hoped they would react. I rarely looked at my index cards and for once, didn't rely on them for big chunks of my presentation.

I feel like this was my best speech so far and I know I will use what I learned from the three speeches we worked on and everything in this class in the future.

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