Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Persuasive Speech Reflection

I was definitely less nervous this time since it was our second time around talking for a long time in front of the whole class. But, since my last topic for the informative speech was about something I knew more about, since it involved my home country and issues that I read about everyday, I felt more confident talking about it than talking about porn. Especially since its a topic that many people feel uncomfortable to discuss. I chose to talk about porn because Larry Flynt came to talk in one of my other classes and raised some issues that got me thinking about society's standards and why these professionals are so scrutinized for what they do. Which is why I chose to show a different side to the industry and to the female porn stars.
During my research perhaps one of my biggest challenges was overcoming the fallacies we talked about in class, I tried to keep away from conventional wisdom that tends to stick around in such a controversial topic and also not make any assumptions or correlations that did not exist. But every time I made an argument, I knew there were a zillion counter-arguments for it, which took me more time than expected to organize my ideas and narrow down my points. Before the peer edit reviews I was having problems tying together my three main points but after some time I think I managed to tie them together well and make the presentation cohesive and easy to follow. I also think I did a good job inserting my counter-arguments in the middle of my points to make them stronger. Another challenge was to think of source credibility to talk on the subject. I don't personally know anyone in the industry but I've met people like Belle Knox that did all they could legally to improve their lives, so I figured this would be enough to show my understanding for these porn stars.
I struggled with time during my speech, every time I practiced I went over 7 minutes because all my points were so extensive and needed all the evidence that I presented but happily I managed to stay under the time limit during my actual speech, even though I rushed through some points without pausing. I think my attention getter was really good because it was direct evidence from a person in the industry and that was in college just like the rest of us, and I personally found the documentary very interesting. 
Overall I think my speech went better than I expected, but I know next time I need to try to take out a few sub-points or unimportant information so that I can speak slower and more effectively and still be under the time limit of 7 minutes. I also should narrow down my sources, which was a challenge this time since I had to get different points from many different sources. So my topic was a real brain cracker but I was overall satisfied with my presentation because I think I managed to show my audience the other side to the porn industry and how its challenges are mostly derived from society's fabricated moral standards.
On Tuesday I really liked Kayla's speech on euthanasia because she brought up similar points to me that we are the owners of our body and therefore should have the right to do what we want with it without being judged. I also liked what she said about closure, which really is what many families need, sometimes to even preserve the image of their loved ones. But, if she wanted to take this topic further she could have talked about where we should draw the line between who has a really bad deadly illness and who doesn't? So does everyone get the right to be euthanized or how do we make the decision of who does and doesn't?
On Thursday I really liked Stephanie's speech on adopting a dog from a shelter because I strongly agree with her and she also managed to bring the other side of the story which was good to understand why for most people that just want a regular pet, adopting is more advantageous. Equally, I also liked Sunny's speech on volunteering because I think we are all young and capable of devoting some of our time to others. Donating is distant and won't give someone the ability to develop empathy; a crucial characteristic in life and something that Sunny managed to portray to us extensively through her points.

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