Monday, November 3, 2014

Reflection Blog for Persuasive Speech

Last Tuesday I gave my persuasive speech on why the audience should be more conscious of their wastefulness. This is a topic that I am very passionate about, which I think helped me a lot with the presentation of my speech. Last time I was really nervous, but this time I felt more confident. I think it was a combination of practicing more and knowing my topic better. One thing I did not do well was managing my time. Initially I thought my speech was going to be too short, but I think my examples at the beginning took too long because in the end I ran out of time. This caused me to wrap up hastily and not be able to reiterate my main points. Nevertheless, I was very happy with this speech because I think I improved on my delivery.

A speech that I might disagree with that was also presented on Tuesday was the one that talked about the gym that serves candy and pizza. I feel like they must have an alternative motive for this and I feel like we did not get enough of a counter argument to clarify this. I obviously don't believe that a gym should encourage this type of behavior, I would have just liked to have a little bit more information on the company.

On Thursday, I really enjoyed the speech on porn. It brought attention to an issue that is rarely ever discussed. It definitely persuaded me to believe that porn is just another industry. I also really lived how she talked about how society only freaks out because its empowering for a women and that if this case was focused on a man no one would care. I think this is an important topic and I'm glad it was discussed.

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