Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Visual Aid Speech Reflection

This week I gave my informative/visual aid speech on body language and communication. This topic was relevant because we all communicate on a daily basis, and learning how to decode and be aware of our own body language can help us all be better communicators.

I had the least amount of practice for this speech, but I feel that despite that it still went very well. I feel that I succeeded in being conversational. I looked down at my notecards a lot because I was a bit nervous, but felt that I still did a good job making even eye contact with the room. I noticed I had a bit more "um's" in this speech. My visual aid was successful but I did not use it as a crutch. I got a few laughs out of the audience with some of my visuals, so that was good feedback.

Of all of my speeches I think that the class enjoyed this one the most. I was actually surprised at how good of feedback I got from the audience because I was probably the least confident in this speech compared to the other three. Perhaps this means that I have gotten better with my public speaking skills!

Overall I feel that this speech went well, possibly the best of all three of my speeches this semester.

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