Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Visual Aid Speech

For this speech, I feel as though I was more prepared than the previous speeches. I liked the idea of having a visual aid/ a powerpoint to reflect on and focus the classes attention on that, rather than it all being on me. I found that I spoke quickly, and read off of my notecards often because of my own nervous habits- which I wish I didn't do. I found my topic of comparing the two smartphones- iPhone vs. Android to be interesting, as well, because if it wasn't for this speech I probably wouldn't have found out all of the information of the two based on individual curiosity. My family and I have always used apple products, therefore I have always had the apple smartphone, but after researching the android products, I found that they actually offer users the same, if not more, and more improved software. As this was the last speech of the class, I wish I would have presented my speech the best of my ability, but I feel as though my nerves get the best of me during presentations, that it holds me back from doing so. My favorite Visual Aid speech would probably have been Rafaella's, because I found her topic to be interesting, as she spoke of the competing soda brands- Coca Cola and Pepsi. I really liked the design of her power point, and how she brought in actual bottles of the sodas.

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