Thursday, November 6, 2014

persuasive speech reflection

The most difficult part about the persuasive speech for me was picking the topic. It took me awhile to figure out what I was going to argue for or against but I ended up really enjoying the topic that I chose for the presentation. I felt that there had to be a degree of emotional appeal which I wanted to come across as genuine and powerful so I had to take that into account when formulating the content. I strived to achieve the balance between providing good and reliable data and facts and also adding an emotional appeal. Overall, I liked working on the persuasive speech more than the informative because it was easier to get a clear grasp of my thesis and once I found it, everything else worked out accordingly.

I particularly enjoyed Riley's speech on being more mindful of the waste that we create in society. The topic relates to everyone and it was a strong argument because it's pretty difficult to construct an argument against being environmentally aware and being less wasteful.
Stephanie's speech on why we should adopt puppies from shelters instead of buying them from breeders was another argument that resonated with me. She had great arguments that addressed both sides.

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