Monday, November 24, 2014

Visual Aid Speech Reflection

For my visual aid speech I decided to talk about how sexuality is represented in the show Orange is the New Black. I used a powerpoint to illustrate my point through pictures, graphs, and facts. I believe the overall organization and information of my speech was done in the most effective way possible. Also, I believe I had an interesting topic that the class enjoyed hearing about.

I believe that my speech delivery was my best so far. I rarely looked at my cards and I spoke at a consistent pace. I made eye contact and only looked at my powerpoint when I was pointing at the images it showed. The one thing I still need to work on is my timing. When I am excited about my speech topic, I over explain or share things about certain ideas making me lose track of time. I had to wrap up my speech quickly again, but this time I think I did it a bit more graceful.

Overall, I think this speech went well and it exemplified the improvements I've made over the course of the semester.

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