Saturday, November 22, 2014

Visual Speech

To prepare for the speech, I did a lot of research through magazine and business sites like Entrepreneur, Inc., and Forbes. I also tried doing some research about habits and qualities of successful entrepreneurs and how likely they were to succeed through Google Scholar. Although I found the least useful and relevant information through Google Scholar, that process took the  longest... This was probably due to the fact that most content I was looking for was about what's the best way to start a business. I'd have to say, I really enjoyed reading the Entrepreneur and Inc. articles though. They are pretty interesting and relevant.

Additionally, while preparing for the speech, I encountered difficulties in creating a powerpoint. Originally, I didn't want to go through the trouble of citing images and I wanted to be able to make the powerpoint appear as a coherent whole, but when I tried to create my own powerpoint, it looked too simple. In the end, I just ended up using images from the web.

Lastly, during the presentation, I still felt nervous. I tried not speaking too fast, but I ended up making lots of mistakes. I feel that when I purposely try not to go as fast, my mind takes too much time trying to remember what comes next. I stumbled quite a bit. Also, I ended up going past the time limit--if I remember correctly, it was 7:26 minutes. I think during practice, I averaged about 6:40ish minutes. I should have practiced speaking slower, so that I am used to speaking slowly during the actual presentation. That way, I probably would have made less mistakes, too, and timing would have been better.

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