Friday, November 28, 2014

Visual Aid Speech

I got very nervous for my speech because I was supposed to do a taste test with one person in the beginning but it didn't work out because I kept running out of time which ended up negatively impacting my speech because I had to improvise my attention getter. My PowerPoint also opened wrong (wrong font and images messed up) on the computer so I had to open the pdf version of it. Since it was a pdf I couldn't pass to the next slide and instead had to scroll down which also got me nervous because it kept going back to the first slide and then I had to scroll down all the way to the slide I was talking about. I also had problems with timing, so I had to skip one of the sub points of my last point. Since I was nervous with all the things that went wrong, I also talked fast and didn't pause between my points as much as I wanted to. Overall I think if I had practiced more it would have been better.
But, I think my PowerPoint looked good and my images easily portrayed my points and was also visually interesting. My research was also really good because my two points were really tied together and managed to portray my thesis. Even though I had a rocky start with the complications of my PowerPoint, I managed to recover towards the end and left a good question for the public to linger on. I think my eye contact this time was better than last time because I was very interested in the topic. I also think i tailored it to the audience because it is something that we deal with everyday. Overall my visual aid props and presentation were good but a little more practice could have made it better.

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