Monday, November 24, 2014

Visual Aid Speech Reflection

Susan Lim
Visual Aid Speech Reflection

The purpose of my speech was to inform the audience about what a hybrid electric vehicle is, the positive aspects of owning one, and also the negative aspects of owning one as well. It was a bit difficult to prepare for my topic because there were so much information that I wanted to include in my speech. However, due to the time limit and because I did not want to bore the listeners, I decided to choose only the interesting and well-known information regarding hybrid vehicles. It was really interesting preparing for my topic because I learned a lot of things regarding hybrid vehicles from my research, especially the mechanics of it. It was especially helpful learning about the Regenerative Braking System - which explains the weird noise and feeling when the brakes are pressed. While preparing for my speech, it was very important to keep in mind that my visual aid was informative and not persuasive. In this, I had to be careful not be biased and make sure that my speech did not lean more towards one side of the spectrum. While giving my speech, I found that it was important for me to not use my visual aid as a backbone. Also, I made sure that I did not look at my powerpoint too much/ make it seem like I was reading off my powerpoint. Just like any other speech, eye contact was another important aspect to giving my speech as I was able to engage with the audience.

My informative visual aid speech regarding hybrid electric vehicles is important to me because I am a proud owner of one. Although there are perks to driving a hybrid vehicle, there are also negative aspects that I wanted to inform others about. As for the research, I thought that I did it thoroughly and made sure to use credible sources throughout my speech as evidence. I also made sure to correctly cite any images or information that I used in my visual aid (powerpoint) as well. However, I also felt very nervous while giving my speech- I could tell that I was talking faster and less natural than I usually do. I hoped that I would be less nervous and sound less mechanic this time around but I’m not sure if things turned out the way I hoped.

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