Sunday, January 25, 2015

Brittany Lazar: Introductory Speech Reflection

On Wednesday, I had my first speech for Comm 204 and it turned out to be way less intimidating than I anticipated. Public speaking has always been scary for me, especially being a shy person and often avoiding any chance to speak in front of a large group of people. I decided to take Comm 204 to conquer this fear, and after my introductory speech, I’m so glad I chose this class.
            To prepare for my speech, I tried to think about the most important details that the class might want to know about me, but I found it really difficult to squeeze into 90 seconds. After rehearsing it once with my brother, it was about two and a half minutes, so it took me a while to figure what I should cut out. I figured I should leave out any boring or predictable details and instead include a few quirky and truthful things about me to give the class a better picture of my personality.

            Reflecting on my delivery of the speech, I think that I did a good job of including all of my points, considering I forgot my notecard at home; however I think I need work on my pace and calming my nerves. I’m not sure if my voice came off as shaky, but I felt myself struggling to catch my breath for the majority of the speech. I also noticed that other members of the class chose to structure their speech in unexpected and creative ways, which inspired me to go beyond expectations for my next speech. I guess I was too focused on following the outline in my head instead of being natural and conversant. I really enjoyed hearing all of speeches from my classmates and I feel less nervous to present in front of them now that I have a better sense of who they are.

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