Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Comm 204: So I talked about myself...

Autobiographies have always been one of my greatest challenges but at the same time they are an assignment I am guaranteed to have every semester that goes by. It is not that I don't know myself well, it's simply that when I am the subject of matter there is no reference I can go to than myself. To avoid being stuck thinking about how to present myself to the class, I decided I would focus on a reoccurring theme I have had throughout my life. I decided to connect my life experiences to the law of attraction. At the same time, I wanted to introduce this concept to the class hoping others would also identify with this law being present in their lives.

I am satisfied with the details I shared with my peers. Among some of the points I spoke about were my identification with the American and Mexican cultures and my journey as a first generation college student. Throughout the speech, I tried to place my life choices and interests in context of the law of attraction. I do recognize I could have presented my thoughts in a more cohesive way to completely tie my life to this law, but I left a lot of details out as I presented. I had points in mind that I wanted to share but realized I had focused too much time on some points and did not leave enough time for everything else which could be a problem in later speeches. I need to work on pacing myself and mastering where and how I should allocate time in a speech.

My classmates were responsive when I was giving my speech which was reassuring keeping in mind I was talking about myself. My voice is naturally loud, so I did not face a problem with projecting, and I feel comfortable making eye contact which helps when giving my speech. I know I tend to make a lot of hand movements when I communicate, but I tried to not make it a distraction during the speech. Overall it was a comfortable experience, and I look forward to seeing what growth I will have in this course.

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