Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Introductory Speech Reflection

            When the introductory speech was assigned I did not think I would have to prepare much because it seemed like an easy enough speech to compose and speaking for  60-90 seconds did not seem excruciatingly difficult. However, with that being said, I'm glad that I decided to start writing and practicing earlier than I had originally planned because it actually helped me present more confidently.
            Interestingly enough I felt the writing process was a tad more difficult than the actual presenting of the speech (granted, I did get a little nervous before and during the presentation). Why was the writing part harder? Well because I felt it was strange to have to sit and think about what to share with the class. I didn't know what information I should share with the class or how to say it. During my writing process, I came up with different ways that I could present this speech to the class and was even contemplating doing a rap in order to make the speech more entertaining!
            Like most of my peers, I also get nervous before having to present in front of a group of people but if I had to choose, I'd rather speak to a larger body of people than a smaller group because the smaller group being more intimate is more nerve wracking. When I was walking up to the front of the class in order to give my speech, I actually wasn't too nervous but weirdly enough, I got more nervous as I started talking. I'm not sure why. I have a history of blanking out and completely forgetting lines (while performing) so maybe it was because I was afraid I was going to forget all that I planned to say. Luckily I didn't forget but I think it was also due to the fact that my peers were pleasantly reacting to what I had to say which made me feel more comfortable.

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