Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Introductory Speech Reflection

What do I have in common with the rest of the class? What is an important part of me that the class might want to know? I kept these questions in mind when coming up with what to talk about. I knew that I didn't have much time to speak so that limited much of what I could share. After much thought, I decided I didn't want to have a "this is my background, here are my hobbies" type of speech that sort of just listed a bunch of things. What, then, could I talk about? The answer was simple. What we had in common was that we were all taking this public speaking class for one reason or another.

After jotting down the points I wanted to make, I practiced aloud. After realizing that I was way over the time limit since I struggled to find a fluid way to convey my thoughts, I decided to stop and write down what I planned to say instead. Note cards with the important points are good for when we are presenting, but more was needed for preparation.

In class, I was amazed by how well the rest of my peers were doing during the presentations. Their speeches were very smooth and fun to listen to. Because of that, I was able to calm my nerves a bit before it was my turn. I was nervous and stuttered a bit but overall, it was a good experience and I feel like the atmosphere in our class is very warm and welcoming. I believe that by the end of this class, I will be able to become a stronger speaker.

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