Saturday, January 24, 2015

Introduction Speech: Getting Over My Stage Fright

A professor of mine in another class had me carry out a similar assignment. On the first day of classes, he had everyone stand up and say something interesting about themselves. Of course, the catch was that he would have to find it interesting. This ultimately led everyone to tell stories of how they got into trouble with the police or about embarrassing childhood stories. When I first received my introduction speech, I thought it would be easy. I could just tell my class about funny things that have happened to me. While writing my introduction speech, I then realized that this assignment would be a lot harder. Telling embarrassing stories would not cut it. I would have to reflect on who I really am as a person and think about how I would deliver my ideas to the class.

Since I would be working closely with my peers the rest of the semester, I wanted to deliver a speech that was genuine and that would portray me in an accurate manner. To think of things people would find meaningful and also interesting, I made a list of the many qualities and interests that make me who I am. I chose those I deemed were best and started to write my speech. I wanted to make my introduction catchy, but was concerned about starting in a different language. I did not want to make my audience feel left out. I wrote things down, and tried to find a way in which all my qualities were related to each other so that they would flow within my speech.

I was very content with the speech I delivered. I believe I spoke loud enough and tried to speak slowly so that people would understand. Nonetheless, I certainly feel I could have done better. I was not going to hold onto a piece of paper while delivering the speech, and did so anyways. When I began talking, I noticed the paper was shaking, which distracted me significantly. I also felt my voice was shaky. I know I will get over this, though. It was only my first speech and I was nervous. I really appreciated classmates that smiled while I was giving my speech! That really made me feel good about myself and get over the stage fright!

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